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The Why

Apr 27, 2018
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I’d like to share with our clients what I consider to be the larger purpose of our daily doings.  I’ve been practicing corporate law for nearly 15 years. My first job at a law firm was alphabetizing the card catalog in the law library. (Gen. Xers may be the last generation to have hands-on experience with one of those!)

I’ve seen enough in that timespan to say I’ve seen some things.  Businesses getting off the ground, growing, changing.  I’ve been a part of countless sales, purchases and other reorganizations.  And I’ve been around for the day-to-day contract negotiation - - ever-varied, ever-evolving.  I’ve crossed the finish line countless times with clients, feeling the exhaustion alongside the elation of an objective achieved.  And I’ve also seen things fall apart and people dust the knees off and try again tomorrow.

But the purpose of our work together is larger than our shared to-do lists and deadlines.  The purpose, as least for me and for many I know, is the story, the context, the lives of those we touch in this people profession.  A good document is well structured to fit that larger story. That is the “why.” 

The law, and the corporate form, are tools of order useful for shaping and maintaining our society’s ever-evolving concepts of justice. While neither perfect nor pristine, they are worthy of appreciation for the goals they help us achieve, and the positive perspectives they can impart. For me, the most important result that’s come from walking out of the hallowed halls of the law library with an “Esq.” after my name, has been the skilled understanding that’s deepened through the years and conferred the ability to affect real tangible change in my clients’ lives. 

Good attorneys are good stewards.  It’s that simple.  The “counselor” part of the job description comes into play when we understand and honor the responsibility that comes with helping you make those changes. When it comes together for you, we feel it too.   

For assistance with corporate matters, please contact a member of our Business practice. 

This publication is intended as an information source for clients, prospective clients, and colleagues and constitutes attorney advertising. The content should not be considered legal advice and readers should not act upon information in this publication without individualized professional counsel.

About MCCM

McConville Considine Cooman & Morin, P.C. is a full-service law firm based in Rochester, New York, providing high-quality legal services to businesses and individuals since 1979.  With over a dozen attorneys and a full paralegal support staff, the firm is well-positioned to right-size services tailored to each client. We are large enough to provide expertise in a broad range of practice areas, yet small enough to devote prompt, personal attention to our clients.

We represent a diverse range of clients located throughout New York State and New England.  They include individuals, numerous manufacturing and service industry businesses, local governments, and health care professionals, provider groups, facilities and associations. We also serve as local counsel to out-of-state clients and their attorneys who have litigation pending in Western New York courts.  For more information, please contact us at 585.546.2500.